jeudi 9 avril 2009

LinksList 28

Dropthings - Ajax Web Portal
"Ajax Web Portal built on Linq, Workflow Foundation and ASP.NET AJAX. Code is in Visual Studio 2008 using .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5"
"PowerShell Dashboard is a modular IT web portal based on Dropthings and other open source silverlight controls. The goal of this project is to present a mashup of several open source solutions linked to PowerShell that gives ability for IT people to develop very rich and dynamic web portal (Reporting, Workflow, tasks automation...)"
"This cool WPF application, built by some folks at Microsoft’s Mix Online, lets you visualize data from social web sites including Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, Digg, and it also can incorporate RSS feeds"
"TreeMap infographic that displayed some data in an interesting way"
Data Security: Stop SQL Injection Attacks Before They Stop You
"The basic idea behind a SQL injection attack is this: you create a Web page that allows the user to enter text into a textbox that will be used to execute a query against a database. A hacker enters a malformed SQL statement into the textbox that changes the nature of the query so that it can be used to break into, alter, or damage the back-end database"

SharePoint : Erreurs Event 2436 lors de l’indexation des sites WSS V3 avec WSS Search
SharePoint Data Zoom Web Part
"The SharePoint Data Zoom Web Part is a free tool which allows SharePoint users to easily build dynamic, data-driven content on any page"

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